Did you know that around 25% of the population in the UK have a mental health issue? Anxiety and depression rank the highest among mental health illnesses, and almost one in five individuals have had suicidal thoughts.
Self-care has become a more prevalent topic of combating the negative effects of mental illnesses. But what exactly is self-care, and how can you start implementing it in your daily routine?
We have put together a complete guide on self-care tips and the benefits of our spa gift set. If you have an interest in improving your mental, emotional, and physical health, keep reading on for more information!
What Is Self-Care?
If you want to start the new year off with taking better care of yourself, improving your self-care routine is the way to go.
Self-care should not be mistaken for the word selfish. It is quite the opposite actually - taking care of yourself can help you live a healthier life and help others do the same. It is no surprise that the amount of searches for 'self-care' has rapidly increased by more than 50% since 2015.
The cause?
Anxiety and depression have become more prevalent across all societies. Self-care is one way to help combat mental, emotional, and physical health concerns. What are some examples of self-care tasks?
- Healthy sleep schedules
- Finding time for hobbies
- Meditation
- Eating healthy
- Drinking more water
- Exercise
- Hygiene
As you can see - self-care tasks can be anything that helps you reduce stress and focus on your health. Some people find that sitting in nature, having a cup of tea or coffee, or reading a book are simple things that help their mental and emotional health. In return, you can find yourself feeling healthier as your stress, anxiety, and worries start dissipating.
Starting a Self-Care Routine
Starting a self-care routine is the first step you can take to live a healthier life. Where do you start?
First, begin by carving out a few minutes each day for yourself. You can start your morning with some yoga and a cup of tea. Or, maybe you prefer meeting up with friends for a fun hobby that also checks off your box to exercise more.
It could even be simple things like ending the night with writing in your journal and setting a more consistent bedtime schedule. Next, you can start implementing moments of self-care throughout the day.
If you notice your stress and anxiety increasing at work, take a few minutes to yourself. You can strike a power pose or listen to your favourite music playlist for a few minutes. Don't worry - they don't have to be lengthy, but it is always good to check in on your mental health.
As you start setting scheduled times for self-care, you will become more adept at recognizing when you need it the most. However, you should always set aside time each day and week that focuses on just yourself.
Skin Care Routine
Hygiene is one of the best self-care routines you can implement. Hygiene self-care tasks can include indulging in a bubble bath, taking a long shower, or using healthy skin care products.
Why are skin care products helpful in your self-care routine?
Not only can it make your skin look healthier, but it can also help you feel better about yourself and your health. Setting aside a skin care routine also gives you time alone, which is therapeutic in and of itself.
Sometimes, it is just the structured routine of taking care of your skin either once or twice daily that helps people unwind and recharge. You can also listen to relaxing music or take ten minutes for contemplating in silence.
Just like sleep, a skin care routine can do wonders for your health. You will help reduce wrinkles, acne scars, and fine lines. Ready to get started?
Finding the Best Skin Care Routine
The best skin care routine starts with setting aside a few minutes each day. Many people prefer either first thing in the morning or right before bed. You can even start with both!
Once you have some time to yourself, you need the best skin care products to see lasting and glowing results. Research the company and products beforehand.
Your skin absorbs products like a sponge, and you want to ensure that what you use is only the best. Toners and clay masks are two simple ways to begin a healthy skin care routine. Our products are environmentally friendly and made from ingredients that amplify your health.
You can rest easy knowing you aren't putting more harsh chemicals onto your skin. Once you have begun a simple skin care routine, you can move to a complete spa pamper set.
Spa pamper gifts can target anxiety, relaxation, and stress relief. You can pick packages solely focused on skin care, or you can branch out to other hygiene products. Some standard products in a spa gift set include:
- Facial masks
- Bath bombs
- Bath salts
- Shower steamers
- Soap
- Shampoo
Most products offer excellent aromatherapy benefits while making your skin feel, look, and appear more youthful.
Start a Self-Care Routine Today
Self-care is something that most people could do a little bit better. In a day and age where there never seems to be enough time in the day, it has become more important to take a few minutes to yourself.
If you aren't sure where to start or are looking for a thoughtful gift for a loved one, check out our website or contact us for more information. Let us help you find the perfect self-care routine.